Every home needs supply lines for power, gas, water and telecommunications. We offer a variety of system solutions for reliable building connection. Alongside the multiple-service building entry system for media line entry, you will find an extensive range of single building entries here.
Whether or not your building has a basement, there are many options to choose from in the Hauff-Technik product portfolio. Our range covers everything from professional sealing systems for your building entries to dry installation systems, and even includes building entries for trenchless building connection like ZAPPO, our innovative building entry.
Whichever solution you choose, our systems are tested and reliable and they conform to current\n\nstandards and approvals:
The sealing of a building is crucial when installing service line entries. Service lines are routed underground through the foundation into the building. Improper sealing at this point can create a vulnerability, allowing moisture or dangerous radon to enter the building and its structure unchecked. For this reason, precise sealing is vital. With Hauff-Technik's professional sealing solutions, you can ensure the reliable protection of your building.
A wide range of utility lines need to be routed into buildings, including telecommunications, water, and electricity connections. The requirements differ primarily based on whether the building has a basement or not. Additionally, utility lines aren't just laid during the construction phase—retrofits, like fibre optic installations, are a hot topic today. These retrofits should be efficient, cost-effective, and completed with minimal effort, ensuring flexible and fast solutions for upgrading or renovating buildings.
Hauff-Technik offers a variety of systems designed for building entry and sealing, suitable for both new constructions and existing buildings. All systems are adaptable to site-specific conditions, ensuring flexibility in installation. Hauff-Technik also provides solutions that minimize or even eliminate the need for extensive excavation and construction work. Additionally, retrofitting water connections and other utility installations is possible. These systems from Hauff-Technik are practical, future-proof, and tailored for real-world applications.
Hauff-Technik offers a range of solutions, starting with their Building Packages, designed for seamless installation of single and multi-utility house connections in new builds. These comprehensive sets include all components necessary to create a ready-to-use interface for utilities such as electricity, gas, telecommunications, and water entry. With these Building Packages, homeowners are fully equipped for future utility installations.
Multi-utility house connections are particularly space-efficient, as all service lines are fed into the building through a single entry point. In contrast, single utility entries require only thin spiral hoses buried in the ground, through which each specific utility line is introduced.
Upgrading and retrofitting utility lines is a growing concern, especially with advancing technologies like broadband internet. FTTH (Fibre to the Home), for instance, involves laying fibre optic cables directly into homes, replacing outdated copper wiring used since the telephone era. In addition, when replacing old water pipes, it becomes essential to install new building waterproofing. These projects often require excavation and drilling into the foundation, and the construction conditions can vary. In homes with basements, utility lines are typically installed horizontally, whereas in homes without basements, lines run vertically through the foundation slab.
Custom solutions are required to address each unique situation. For individual utility lines in homes without basements, options like the Single Utility Building Package XL are ideal. This system includes a 110 mm diameter spiral hose that runs through the foundation slab and ensures a gas- and watertight seal around the building.
Hauff-Technik's ZAPPO series provides an efficient solution for retrofitting utility lines in buildings with basements. A key advantage of this system is that it requires no excavation work on the property, making the installation process both quick and convenient. The complete installation is carried out from inside the building, which minimizes disruption to your surroundings. Using an earth displacement rocket, a conduit trench is created from the building to the property boundary, allowing for the seamless introduction of utility lines. This innovative approach not only saves time and reduces costs but also protects your landscaping, making it an ideal choice for modern utility installations.
Multi-utility house connections from Hauff-Technik represent complex, space-efficient, and multifunctional systems that enable the effective introduction of various utility services. These connections facilitate gas, fibre optic, district heating, telecommunications, water, and electricity through a single pipe. The building sealing is ensured with internal sealing solutions, offering various sealing inserts to accommodate different applications.
This design allows utility lines of various diameters to be introduced in a gas-tight and water-tight manner, providing robust protection for the building against penetrating soil moisture and harmful radon gas. Hauff-Technik offers solutions for both basement buildings and non-basement houses. Moreover, these multi-utility house connections are ideal for future retrofitting, as they can incorporate spare conduits. In this setup, the building sealing is maintained using segment sealing elements, which can later be swapped for compatible press seals from Hauff-Technik during the installation of new utility lines.